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Titre: Irish Woman Identity Fragmentation(s) in Edna O'Brien's The Country Girls (1960).
Auteur(s): KADDOURI, Rachida
Encadreur: BEDJAOUI, Fewzia
Mots-clés: Post-colonial
Edna O’Brien
Date de publication: 29-avr-2015
Résumé: This thesis explores the work of Edna O’Brien, The Country Girls 1960. O’Brien is an Irish female writer whose works span from 1960-present. Just a decade before the Women‘s Movement took off in the latter half of twentieth-century Ireland, Irish author Edna O‘Brien published her first novel, The Country Girls. Since its publication, O‘Brien has written and published over fifteen novels, several collections of short stories, plays, screenplays and poetry. Throughout her prolific career, O‘Brien has been celebrated and denounced for her writing, both censored and anthologized in her home country. She is an imperative author for study as she broke the gender barriers of a double patriarchal system instilled by both Church and State in Ireland, which caused six of her early novels to be banned. O’Brien chose self-exile in London to write about her native women in spite of the rapacious Irish Censorship Board. Edna O’Brien’s writing is based on her interrogation of the problems affecting women in Irish society during the past forty years. The present research intends to explore the conflicts and compromises of Irish woman.
هذه الرسالة تستكشف عمل إدنا أوبراين، 1960 The Country Girls. أوبراين هي كاتبة ايرلندية التي تمتد اعمالهامن عام 1960 إلى الوقت الحاضر. فقط قبل عشر سنوات من ظهور الحركة النسائية في أيرلندا، نشرت الكاتبة الايرلندية إدنا أوبراين روايتها الأولى The Country Girls. منذ نشرها، كتبت اوبراين أكثر من خمسة عشر روايات، عدة مجموعات من القصص القصيرة ،المسرحيات والأشعار. طوال حياتها المهنية ، كتبت اوبراين روايات، لكنها تلقت الرفض و التنديد في وطنها الأم و دلك لكسرها الحواجز بين الجنسين من النظام القديم مزدوج الذي غرس من قبل من طرف الكنيسة والدولة في ايرلندا والتي تسببت لها في وقت مبكر في حظر ستة روايات. اختارت اوبراين المنفى في لندن للكتابة عن النساء المحليات على الرغم من رفض مجلس الرقابة الايرلندي. كتابات إدنا أوبراين تستند على استجوابها المشاكل التي تؤثر على المرأة في المجتمع الأيرلندي خلال السنوات الأربعين الماضية. ويعتزم هذا البحث لاستكشاف الصراعات والمساومات التي تواجه هوية المرأة الايرلندية من خلال دراسة الأدب الأيرلندي في القرن 20 ،و ربط علاقة بين المجتمع، والأمة، والدين. ----------------------------------------------This thesis explores the work of Edna O’Brien, The Country Girls 1960. O’Brien is an Irish female writer whose works span from 1960-present. Just a decade before the Women‘s Movement took off in the latter half of twentieth-century Ireland, Irish author Edna O‘Brien published her first novel, The Country Girls. Since its publication, O‘Brien has written and published over fifteen novels, several collections of short stories, plays, screenplays and poetry. Throughout her prolific career, O‘Brien has been celebrated and denounced for her writing, both censored and anthologized in her home country. She is an imperative author for study as she broke the gender barriers of a double patriarchal system instilled by both Church and State in Ireland, which caused six of her early novels to be banned. O’Brien chose self-exile in London to write about her native women in spite of the rapacious Irish Censorship Board. Edna O’Brien’s writing is based on her interrogation of the problems affecting women in Irish society during the past forty years. The present research intends to explore the conflicts and compromises of Irish woman identity as this has been represented in the 20th century Irish literature, in relation to the more generalized categories of society, nation, and religion.
URI/URL: http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/775
Collection(s) :Langue et Littérature Anglaise

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